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Why we should all be embracing Second Hand September.
2 mins

Let’s all embrace Second Hand September!


If you’re not yet familiar with it, Second Hand September is a campaign run by Oxfam, encouraging people to resist buying new items for 30 days. Now in its fourth year, the campaign aims to make people think and act more sustainably, which is a passion of ours here at William George.

The importance of changing our mindsets and buying second hand has never been more vital and the market has grown hugely in recent years. Our awareness of the need to change our habits has been driven largely by the growing urgency of needing to act to protect our planet and cutting down on waste and excess production plays a big part in that.

The disposable culture in which we’ve been living has meant that there are so many items being discarded which would be lovingly given a new home to by a fresh owner. Whether we’re talking fashion, furniture or beyond, the second hand market is full of treasures waiting to be discovered.

As well as being environmentally positive, buying second hand is a frugal way to purchase. You’ll usually pay way less for a used item that you would if it was fresh off the shelf and quite often, you can pick up things that you couldn’t tell whether they’ve been used or not.

There’s still plenty of time to commit to not buying new during September. If you’re looking for inspiration, see what’s on offer right now in our live auctions. You might be after a must-have kitchen appliance that has been returned to a retailer, or a piece of vintage jewellery. You’ll find them and much more here.

So, you’re being good to our wonderful world, being kind to your bank balance and often finding rare or unusual pieces to boot. What’s not to love?!

Good luck and happy second hand shopping!